Walks with God


It’s gorgeous outside. My seven year old son and I put our shoes on and head out the door for a walk. He takes my hand and the questions begin: “Where are we going, Mom? Are we going to go the long way? Are we going to go to the playground? Are we going to go past the soccer field? Where are we going?”

I’m smiling to myself because I love his curiosity, and I love to hear his sweet voice chattering, and I love that he’s thinking about soccer again. But I’m also smiling because in all of his questioning, he’s mostly missing the point.

The walk is mostly about enjoying each other’s company, noticing how big and puffy the clouds look today, finding the sparkly rock on the sidewalk for his treasure box, listening to the cardinal chirp in the distance, feeling his little sweaty hand in mine - just walking together. Does it really matter where we end up?

Does it really matter where we are going if we are just going to be together?

I have been a lot like my son in talking to God these days. I have been asking him many questions about where we are going and what we should do, and I have been hoping for very specific, actionable, bullet-pointed answers from Him.

I have not gotten the answers I have been looking for.

I have felt His smile on me, though.

He’s smiling because He loves my curiosity. He loves my sweet voice chattering on and on to Him. He loves that I’m thinking about big things again. But He’s also smiling because in all of my questioning, I’m mostly missing the point.

”Does it really matter where we end up if we are going there together, Liza?” He says with a knowing sparkle in His eye.

Let’s not miss out on the treasures that are found in fellowshipping with the Lord moment by moment. Let’s keep our sweaty little hands in His, walking together, step by step, okay? I’m sure the destination will take care of itself.


Relationship Targets


If You Can’t Hear God’s Voice…