Relationship Targets


Over the past few months, several people in our HOME community have felt a call to prayer.  The Lord has revealed that the enemy has been targeting relationships in a couple of different ways.

In earthly relationships, he has been working to twist words, confuse communication, and break down overall connection.  His goal is to cause otherwise healthy relationships to suddenly go poorly.

In our relationship with the Lord, the target has been to increase lethargy - a feeling of not being able to complete our goals of getting into the word or into prayer, or going deep with God - having an overwhelming sense of slumber or apathy.

The Holy Spirit has revealed that the root or overarching principality in both of these areas is a spirit of pride.  This pride might manifest in having an unteachable spirit, hard-heartedness, or control, but it’s goal is the same - to dismember both our heavenly and earthly relationships.  And, to keep the people of God from walking into the fullness of what He has for them.

One of the things we have discovered as we have sought the Lord together in prayer is that there are times the Lord asks us NOT to contend directly with a problem. Instead, He promises to deal with the problem Himself if we will humble ourselves and pray instead. As we've chosen to relinquish our right to fight, and trusted HIM to take care of the issue, he's been opening our eyes to places we may have unknowingly been operating in a spirit of pride ourselves. We have found it especially helpful to read through a list of scriptures on humility and ask the Lord to root out any hidden areas of pride in us. 

If any of this resonates with your heart, we’d love to offer a few more suggestions:

  1. Be discerning.  The first step is realizing there is a problem, right?!  Ask the Lord for eyes and ears to recognize when things aren't right (Eph. 6:12).

  2. Operate in the opposite.  If the root is a spirit of pride, operate in radical humility and meekness (Prov. 11:2).

  3. Partner with God in the uprooting!  Pray that the Lord would bring freedom and health to these areas of brokenness (Exodus 14:14).

  4. Reach out!  There are those who are already circling up to pray and learn more together.  We would love to have you join us (Matt. 18:19-20).

Please contact for more information and resources!


Bread of Heaven in Iowa


Walks with God