Bread of Heaven in Iowa


From a 2003 prophetic word by Dutch Sheets + Chuck Pierce via Awaken the Dawn

Iowa is productive! It’s one of the largest suppliers of natural food. From Iowa, the Lord wants to feed the nations of the earth. And not just physical food, but the Bread of Heaven! He wants us to glean from the four corners of the state, and then the center, the wealth of Heaven. Export it to the nations, and the Lord will awaken people’s hearts! His desire is to bring Jubilee into our land and let the oppressed go free. To set liberty to the captives, to the broken and bruised. He wants to restore!

In this cornfield state, the Lord’s putting an anointing on us to set a course (that no one else can) for the nation. We’re farmers! We’re called to get up early! It’s part of the inheritance of your state. Because of this, you have authority to come into agreement with God and to set an entire course for the nation.


Signs + Wonders on Iowa Campuses


Relationship Targets