Breakthrough of Worship

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Fifteen years ago, before HOME was even a thought and when a handful of us were going to prayer meetings and worshipping in tiny, musty basement rooms, Dutch Sheets and Chuck Pierce (two men who had no connection with NWIA whatsoever) shared a prophetic word for the state of Iowa. Even more, they shared specifically about each quadrant of the state. This word impacted our hearts so deeply then that, even now, we have never stopped praying into it as a body.⁠

"The Church is going to blossom. There is going to be a move of God in the northwest corner of the state. The Spirit of God is going to come down, and where it has never blossomed before, all of a sudden, the Church will begin to blossom with revelation. There will be a breakthrough of worship in the northwest corner."⁠

Little did they know about the first-fruits the Lord was birthing back in those days. We are excited to continue to press in and partner with the Lord as He brings revelation and a breakthrough of worship to His Church here in Northwest Iowa. Will you join us in praying for (and acting on) these things?⁠


If You Can’t Hear God’s Voice…


Raquel’s Story