Holy Habits Resource Round-Up

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In this season at HOME, we’re recommitting to some of the “fundamentals” in our walks with the Lord. If we really want to grow in our faith and cultivate kingdom culture in our community, things like prayer, bible reading, worship and fasting are absolutely foundational. They are some of the primary ways we will encounter the Lord! But yeah - we know life happens, things get busy, and we end up struggling to stay committed.

We get it! And, we want to help.

Let us offer a handful of resources + tips to help freshen up your holy habits this fall!

Good for Praying

  • IHOP-KC: You want to live a lifestyle of prayer, but sometimes, in our humanness, our prayer closets can get a little boring and mundane, right? Tune in to the International House of Prayer in Kansas City’s livestream for enjoyable prayer. Yes - enjoyable. And interesting, and passionate, and fun, and everything in between. Even better news - it’s live 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so no excuses. If you’re free, they’re there to help spice up your prayer life. Try an intercession set to war in prayer on a specific topic, or a devotional set for a more chill, intimacy-with-Jesus vibe.

  • PRAYER GUIDES: For those of us that need a little focus… These prayer guides will help keep you on track and, maybe, remind you to pray about some things you might not usually think about! A personal prayer guide is here. Or, try praying for our nation here. Here’s a simple prayer model to fit any day or occasion.

  • MOLESKIN JOURNAL: Writing prayers and thoughts down can help bring structure to your times of prayer too. It’s extra fun and meaningful sometimes to look back on past prayers to see how the Lord has worked in your life. These simple little journals fit perfectly in a bible or purse for easy access anytime. Add your favorite pen or writing utensil!

Good for Bible Reading

  • DWELL BIBLE APP: This is a great resource for busy moms or on-the-go others who have a hard time sitting down to read often. The Dwell Bible App keeps scripture in your ears and on your heart. Choose from ten different reading voices and accents, pick your desired translation, layer background or ambient music, slow down or speed up the pace of reading, and choose from a wide variety of reading plans.

  • JOURNALING BIBLE: Journaling bibles provide extra margins on each page for notes, journaling, doodles and artwork, so you can choose your own adventure here. These are available in many translations and formats, so check your local bookstore or favorite online store to purchase.

  • HE/SHE/KIDS READS TRUTH: Available in study books or app format, this company curates daily reading plans, pairs them with stunning artwork and a vibrant community to help men, women and kids engage with the Word of God every day.

Good for COMBINING Praying + Bible Reading

We love a super-simple technique affectionately known as “pray-reading” the Word. Read more about it here. This has helped many in our community engage in actual conversation with the Lord as they read their bibles. It’s a true game-changer.

Good for Worshipping

  • COMMIT TO A LOCAL CHURCH OR WORSHIPPING BODY OF BELIEVERS: Whether you join us regularly at HOME and/or join a local church, get a weekly gathering on your schedule regularly. There is absolutely no substitute for the gift and joy of worshipping as a body. Committing to a weekly gathering will help hold you accountable in worshipping regularly, help you grow in fellowship with other believers, and ultimately, help you grow in unity with the Lord.

  • WORSHIP MOMENTS ON YOUTUBE: We love Bethel Music Moments, but there are many other worship ministries to choose from on platforms like YouTube and Spotify. Cranking up these recordings can help stir up your heart of worship any day of the week.

  • TAKE THE PSALMS ON A ROAD TRIP: Grab your bible, visit your favorite spot in nature and practice worshipping along with the Psalms as you gaze on some undoubtedly beautiful scenery. Don’t forget to pack a snack.

Good for Fasting

  • THE REWARDS OF FASTING: Jesus called His disciples to fast in a way that would position their hearts to encounter Him more. This book is designed to help equip people to embrace the discipline, grace and joy in fasting, so that they might fall more in love with the Lord. It’s a fairly quick 151-page read that is especially helpful if you are fairly new to this spiritual discipline!

  • FIND AN ACCOUNTABILITY BUDDY: This tip can be helpful in staying committed to just about ANY holy habit, but might be especially handy in fasting. Don’t underestimate the encouragement in a quick text or phone call!

  • START SMALL: You will undoubtedly encounter the Lord in an intense 21-day Daniel fast, but He has also been known to show up powerfully in a single skipped meal or 24-hour social media fast. Consider starting out with small, manageable goals and follow the Lord’s leading as He grows you in this habit. Oh, and PS - feel free to get creative. Fast food, social media, shopping, going out to eat - ANYthing the Lord might highlight to you!

We should also mention that there are plenty of other spiritual disciplines and ways to grow in your walk with Jesus. Have a conversation with Him and ask what might be the most helpful in your particular season!

We’re cheering you on as you commit to developing and cultivating holy habits. Even more, the LORD is cheering you on. The God of the Universe WANTS TO HELP YOU cultivate holy habits too. He is on your side! Ask Him for help and find the grace you need for today. If we can partner with the Lord in spurring you on, let us know!


The Mighty River of God


Healing for the Church in Iowa