Forerunner 21 Day Challenge

The next three weeks we will continue to look at the life of John the Baptist and also the life of Noah. These men had callings and purpose given by God to precede great events that the Lord was preparing His people and the whole earth for. John the Baptist was sent as a “forerunner” or one who would prepare the way for the Messiah to come. Noah was a just man, perfect in his generation to warn the people of the destruction that was coming on the earth. 

As people who are to be prepared for Jesus’ second coming and the judgments of God that will come on the earth we must also live set apart lives as they did. In this 21 day challenge we will be challenging ourselves to live set apart and looking at Scriptures that point to the life they lived.

For the duration of this challenge we invite you to give something up, add a spiritual discipline, or both. (Examples: Daniel fast (no meats, no sweets), delete all social media apps, skip a meal every day, no TV/Netflix/News, praying in the Spirit and understanding for a designated time, finding ways to serve/give of time and talent) We encourage you to pray and ask the Lord what He would have you give up and/or add on. Along with this we invite you to continually read and meditate on the Scriptures listed below. 

Meditating on Scripture:

The simple definition of meditating on Scripture is “to repeat a Bible verse over and over again”. We invite you to use the R-W-S-S-P model as you read these verses. 

Read it - read the verse several times looking for key words and phrases. 

Write it - write out these key words and phrases along with insights and revelations.

Say it - say the verse out loud so you can hear it and repeat key words and phrases.

Sing it - sing these key words, phrases, and your thoughts as you meditate.

Pray it - speak the verse back to God and ask for His help to live out the insight given.

  1. Isaiah 40:3-5

  2. Malachi 3:1

  3. Malachi 4:5-6

  4. Luke 1:13-15

  5. Luke 1:16-17

  6. Luke 1:41-45

  7. Luke 1:76-80

  8. Matthew 3:1-6

  9. Luke 3:2-3

  10.  Luke 3:7-9

  11.  Luke 3:10-14

  12.  Luke 3:15-16

  13.  Luke 3:17-18

  14.  Luke 3:21-22

  15.  Luke 7:24-28

  16. Matthew 11:12-19

  17.  John 3:27-29

  18.  John 3:30-31

  19.  John 3:32-34

  20.  John 3:35-36

  21.  Genesis 6:9, 7:1


Friday Five!


Friday Five!