Friday Five!

  1. Our End Times series continues on Sunday at Ignite. Join us for pizza + fellowship afterwards!

  2. We want to be prepared for Jesus' second coming and the judgments of God that will come on the earth during that time. Our new 21 Day Forerunner Challenge will help!

  3. If you have a musical gifting and are interested in growing in it, we will be offering a worship school this summer! You will be equipped in your musical skill, but also in cultivating kingdom culture, and growing in your heart for the Lord. More details here.

  4. We're hiring! We are looking for a detail-oriented, self-motivated person to join HOME's Director Team as an Operations Director. This person would cover many of HOME's administrative needs 10-15 hours a week with a very flexible schedule. More info here!

  5. We're looking for volunteers to serve + pray at RISE Fest the weekend of June 10 + 11. And bonus - you'll get free admission and a t-shirt as part of the deal. Sign up to minister here.


Forerunner 21 Day Challenge


Friday Five!