Interested in being baptized?

We praise God for your interest in being water baptized!

Check out our last teaching about water baptism HERE for more information.

Also, we want to make sure you feel comfortable and prepared, so here are a few things to expect logistics-wise:

  • We will be baptizing in the HOME Prayer Room, so you will be fully immersed in the water in a (warmed) cow tank. We will have someone from HOME’s leadership baptizing individuals. 

    • If you have someone in your life who has been a spiritual leader for you that you would like to assist in baptizing you, please let us know and bring them along! They are also welcome to join in the pre-service gathering with you. 

  • When you come out of the water, you will then be directed to the back of the gathering to a prayer team that is excited to pray and prophesy over you.

  • Following the service there will be a time of celebration and fellowship with sweet treats and drinks. 

Shoot us an email here, let us know of your interest in baptism, and we’ll be in touch soon!