What can I expect in a freedom prayer session?


Our prayer sessions should feel peaceful, simple and covered with the love and presence of God.

You can expect one to three trained and prayerful members of our team to meet with you privately for around 90 minutes. We usually begin by asking you: “If there was one thing you could leave behind you today and never struggle with again, what would it be?”

We will then follow Holy Spirit’s promptings to walk with you through prayers that bring freedom. The Lord knows how painful things began in our lives and we trust Him to give the revelation needed to reclaim that ground and make things right. It is beautiful to watch Him work.

Unlike a counseling session, our role as prayer servants is to facilitate your conversation with God. So instead of primarily listening to your story or telling you our opinions, you can expect things to move very quickly in the gentle but direct ways the Spirit. Often people come to receive prayer for one area of their life and then find that the Lord has healed many other areas in the process. Overall, we trust God to reveal his love for you and make the path to freedom clear.

I am struggling with things that feel very shameful.

Can I expect confidentiality?

We respect your privacy and have no desire to share your personal details outside the session. We do celebrate testimonies of God’s faithfulness to set people free within our team, but we do this without sharing your name or identifying information. We share only HOW the Lord sets people free, not what they were struggling with. Click here for more info on our privacy policy: PRIVACY POLICY

Bottom line, we have all needed the Lord’s freedom in countless areas ourselves, so we believe there is no shame in recognizing your need for healing - only wisdom.

What are the primary biblical principles this ministry is founded on?

The story of Jesus delivering His people from oppression is throughout the word of God. Here are just a few of the many scripture passages we feel are foundational for this ministry:

  • John 8:36 “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”

  • Isaiah 61:1-4

  • Psalm 18

  • 2 Corinthians 10:4-6

  • Ephesians 2:12-13

What if I don’t receive full healing in one session?

It is not uncommon for the Lord to set people free in layers. Our hearts and lives are complicated and timing for God’s healing is not always predictable. Although our Freedom Prayer Ministry believes in and aims for the powerful work of Jesus to thoroughly set people free in a short period of time, we are very willing to offer multiple sessions as you feel led.

Where are the Freedom Prayer sessions held?

We typically hold Freedom Prayer sessions in the small ministry rooms at the back of HOME’s prayer room. These rooms are private and comfortable.

Why do you ask for a donation?

It is our desire to offer the free gift of Jesus’ freedom to all without cost! That being said, there is also a significant investment of time, training, resources and facility costs that go into offering this ongoing ministry. Your heartfelt donation is received with gratitude! Funds will go toward keeping this program running so we can offer it to as many as possible in our community. Please prayerfully consider sowing into more freedom in our region!

Can I request a specific prayer servant?

Will I be ministered to by a male or female?

There is a place on the online sign up form for “other requests.” If you desire to request a certain prayer servant, or have a preference on if they are male or female, you may indicate that when you sign up. We will do our best to accommodate your requests.

What are the foundational resources used in training your prayer servants?

Our prayer team members gather wisdom from many different biblical sources. Our primary training material is based on the SOZO method from Bethel Church in Redding CA. We also draw inspiration from Transformation Prayer, Caroline Lief, Let the Children Fly, and others.

Are there resources available to me after I have my prayer session?

Yes! We know that walking out your freedom after a prayer session is vitally important. You should receive a packet at the end of your session with some helpful prayer tips. We will also send you an email in the days following your prayer session with a link to more resources. Please feel free to reach out with questions or concerns after your session. We are here to support you!

Can I bring along a close friend or relative?

We find Freedom Prayer sessions to be most effective when individuals receive prayer alone. However, if you strongly feel you need someone to join you, you may make note of that on the “special requests” section of the online sign up form. If you do bring someone along, we suggest they take on the role of a silent observer and prayer support.