Letters to the Churches 21 Day Challenge

In Revelation 2 and 3 Jesus addresses 7 specific churches in what is now modern day Turkey. He commends them for the things they are doing well but also corrects them and charges them to repent for the ways that they have fallen short. These letters also include detailed descriptions of Jesus and the rewards that He will give to those who overcome. 

Throughout the next 21 days we will be opening ourselves up to being commended and convicted by the Lord. Although these letters were written to specific churches almost 2,000 years ago they continue to apply to us as the Church today. Many commentators, scholars, and Bible teachers have also commented on how these churches could be representative to different ages of the Church in the last 2,000 years, and also how if the Church today would walk in the complete correction of Jesus to these 7 churches it would bring the Church to a place of completeness and unity that has not yet been seen in Christ’s bride. 

We’re challenging you for the next 3 weeks to spend extended time reading, studying, and meditating on the words of Jesus to these churches and to us. Spend time focusing on the 3 aspects of each letter to the churches and how they may apply to your life and to the Church as a whole today. Also, take time to pray and ask the Lord for the areas of your life and in your church where you would be commended and where the Lord would bring correction.

Each church has 1. A description of Jesus 2. An encouragement/warning 3. Reward for those who overcome

Also, notice and meditate on the phrases that are repeated in each of the 7 letters.

  • “To the angel of the church of…”

  • “I know your works…”

  • “He who overcomes/to he who overcomes…”

  • “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”

Week 1: Ephesus & Smyrna

Week 2: Pergamos, Thyatira, & Sardis

Week 3: Philadelphia & Laodicea


Friday Five!


Friday Five!