Lectio Divina Bible Study Strategy


Portions from https://www.prayerandpossibilities.com/lectio-divina-prayer/

Lectio Divina is a way to connect with God’s word through prayer. It’s sometimes described as reading scripture with the “ear of the heart.”

1) READ - Take a small portion of scripture - just a bite! - and read it slowly, several times, listening for the Holy Spirit.

  • Is there a word or phrase that begins to stand out to you?

  • The word or phrase that grabs your heart may not be the main idea of the passage. Listen and be open to how God wants to use his Word to speak into your heart.

  • Begin to repeat that word or phrase over and over slowly, soaking your heart in the words.

2) REFLECT - Next, spend some time “chewing” on the words or phrases God placed in your heart.

  • Sit in the silence and allow God the space to speak to you as you turn the words over in your mind.

  • Ask the Holy Spirit what these words might mean for your life.

  • What hope or encouragement do these words bring to you?

3) RESPOND - Now respond in prayer to what you heard from God and how the words spoke to your heart.

  • Offer up a prayer of praise, thanksgiving, or petition, depending on how you’re moved.

  • Share your heart with God in prayer, responding to his Word.

  • What next step do you feel God asking you to take? Make a plan to obey.

4) Finally, rest in God and contemplate his words for your life. Sit in the silence and just “be” with God for a few minutes.

  • Keep the ears of your heart open and attentive to how the Holy Spirit moves in you during this time.

Consider using the Lectio Divina strategy to pray/read through passages in John via our 21 Day Challenge!


Friday Five!


Friday Five!