Healing Prayer Model


Although there are MANY ways to approach praying for those who are in need of healing, we’ve found a lot goodness in John Wimber’s five-step process. We’ll share it here today for your own reference, but above all follow the Spirit’s leading in any ministry time.

Step One: The Interview - Where does it hurt?

  1. Conducted on two planes:

    • Natural - Empirical (ask person what they think is wrong, where it hurts, etc.) Sort information according to past and present experiences - what you see, know, have learned, etc.

    • Supernatural - Cosmic (ask the Holy Spirit to show his insights). Sort information according to the gifts of the Spirit - words of knowledge and wisdom, discerning of spirits, etc.

  2. This is NOT a medical interview.

Step Two: Diagnostic Decision

  1. What has caused this condition?

    • It could be caused by natural factors:

    • Living in a fallen, sinful world (virus, accidents, etc.)

    • Sin (sexual immorality - STD)

    • Emotional/social (unforgiveness)

    • Family traits (poor heart, diabetes)

  2. It could be caused by spiritual factors:

    • Demonic affliction (blind, deaf, bowed over, etc.)

    • Demonic oppression (compulsive behavior, fearful, etc.)

Step Three: Prayer Selection - What kind of prayer will I need?

  1. Prayer directed toward God.

    • Most common: petition - ask for Spirit’s presence/ask for Spirit’s healing

    • Intercessory prayer

  2. Prayer from God

    • Command - of faith

    • Pronouncement - of faith

    • To devil/demons - rebuke, bind, expel

Step Four: Prayer Engagement - How are we doing?

  1. Prayer/ministry should be specifically directed toward the diagnosed problem while looking for indications of the Spirit’s presence.

    • The “effect” you are praying for is healing.

    • Certain observable phenomena that indicate the Spirit is accomplishing healing can include the following: warmth, tingling, muscle spasms, shaking, deep breathing, tenderness and tears, stiffness in certain body parts, dizziness, perspiration.

    • Pray with your eyes open to observe these signals and cooperate with the Spirit.

    • Follow the Spirit’s lead by continued flow of gifts of the Spirit while ministering.

  2. When in doubt, ask questions.

    • Healing may have occurred without any visible signs.

    • Problems on the minister’s side may be blocking healing: unable to fully discern what the Spirit is doing; may need to go back (repeat steps 1, 2, and 3 if necessary).

    • Problems on the receiving end may be blocking healing: some people are expecting not to receive; some are resisting what the Spirit has begun to do.

    • This feedback may lead to an adjusted approach that will be more effective

  3. Stop praying when:

    • Healing is completed.

    • You sense that the Spirit is finished for now.

    • You don’t know what else to do.

Step Five - Post-Prayer Directions - What should I do or expect next?

  1. Summarize the situation.

    • Explain what has occured.

    • Share any gifts of encouragement or exhortation given to you by the Holy Spirit.

    • Direct the person to follow through on any repentance for sin that the Spirit has begun dealing with during the ministry time (be practical).

    • If healing has not yet occurred or is incomplete, affirm and encourage the person to keep seeking because God is willing to heal.

  2. Avoid the following problems:

    • Don’t give personal advice.

    • Don’t condemn a person for not receiving healing (“it’s sin” or “a lack of faith”).

  3. Follow up.

(This model was originally created by John Wimber, then printed in Tim Vink’s Your Kingdom Come training packet.)


Megan + Zack Testimonies


Ignite: Healing Activation