Friday Five

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Financial Issues Pornography Hope Redemption Jesus.png

Hey-O! It's finally Friday!

  1. TOMORROW (Saturday) at 4pm! Northwestern College's Drama Ministries Ensemble will be at HOME sharing several original solo performances regarding issues we can oftentimes try to "fix" on our own, but then find the presence of the Lord ministering to us truly fixing things. Come at 4 and join us for dessert!

  2. We have felt nudged to pray healing specifically over several areas of brokenness. We are asking the Lord to restore those with arthritis, with neck/back + migraine issues, those who struggle with anxiety + fear, those who have digestive issues, and those who seem unable to sleep well at night. Do any of these things resonate with you? Let us know so we can pray for you by name!

  3. Several announcements for you to be aware of! Here they are, rapid fire style... Warriors Revived is hosting a youth worship night this Sunday at 7pm in the Loft, Beth Moore bible study begins March 30: 8:30-10AM (sign up here), there is NO Ignite next week (Happy Easter!), and Keep Your Love On book study by Danny Silk begins April 12 at 7PM (sign up here).

  4. We are looking for volunteers to serve on our Altar Team - those who pray for + minister to people in need directly after Ignite. Altar Team Training (or Refresher, if you're already involved) will be held April 13 at 7PM in the Loft and cover things like: healing, Holy Spirit baptism, prophetic words, freedom + deliverance, and salvation (and how to minister in all of these ways). Let us know you're coming here and/or contact Alecia Heard for more information.

  5. And, SAVE THE DATE! David Wagner of Father's Heart Ministries is coming to HOME Saturday PM, April 17 and Sunday at Ignite, April 18th. Join us for the Encountering the Heart of God weekend! More info to come soon, but in the meantime, you can check out his ministry at

Happy weekend, friends!


Ignite: Healing Activation


Ignite: Authority in Healing + Words of Knowledge