Partner With Us in Freedom!

Pray for wildfires to end. Pray for an end to the drought. Pray for rain..jpg

Hey, HOME Friends!

By now, you probably know HOME has a Freedom Prayer Ministry! We have had the great honor of seeing the Lord get to the root of things that have been hindering so many - delivering them from offenses, hurts, hangups and wounds that have held them back. We praise God for his incredible work in setting people free from things like anxiety, depression, addictions, feeling distant from the Lord, anger issues, past trauma, relationship issues and more!

Today, we'd like to invite you to take a step further in partnering with us in Freedom Prayer. Will you pray through these valuable opportunities, and see how the Lord leads you?

Partner through your time + energy...

  • Sign up for a Freedom Prayer Session! These are appropriate for anyone - from the person who just wants to be closer to God, to the person who is struggling with a significant spiritual or emotional issue.

  • Sign up for Freedom Prayer Basic Training (before the 30th, please!) and learn the simple, biblical tools we use to partner with the Lord in setting people free. More information can be found here!

Partner through your prayers...

  • Pray for those who are ministering Freedom Prayer from week to week.

  • Pray for those who are receiving Freedom Prayer, and that the Lord would set them free from whatever's hindering them!

  • Pray for those who lead the Freedom Prayer Ministry.

Partner through your finances...
We offer freedom prayer sessions for free! Your donations help make this ministry in our community possible.

  • Give specifically to the Freedom Prayer Ministry here.

  • Find more ways to give to the overarching ministry at HOME here.

Alright, friend! Think about how God could use YOU to help set people free, okay? We'd love to link arms with you in this ministry.

PEACE to you, and Happy Weekend!!


Friday Five!


Friday Five!