Friday Five!

  1. School starts soon, so join us in prayer walking through the schools in Sioux Center! See times listed above. If you are involved in another school district, we encourage you to take time covering those schools in prayer, too! 

  2. This Sunday, August 11 we will be looking at what the Word says about water and Holy Spirit baptism. Join us the following week, August 18, for a water baptism service! If you or someone you know would like to be water baptized, send us an email!

  3. Corporate intercession will be August 25. We’ll be praying for revival on school and college campuses! 

  4. Applications for the Fall ‘24- Spring ‘25 worship internship are now open! If you or someone you know has a desire to grow in ministering to the Lord and leading others in worshiping Him, find more info here! 

  5. Save the date: On September 14 + 15, our friend, Rob Giesey, and his family will be here to share! Stay tuned for more details.

Have a great weekend!


Friday Five!


Friday Five!