Partner With Us In The Prophetic!

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Hey, hey! By now, you probably know HOME has a Prophetic Ministry!

During a prophecy appointment, a team of 2-3 people pray over guests, asking the Lord what He would like to speak to them. The words are only words that edify, strengthen, encourage, and comfort in the spirit of I Corinthians 14:3. We have had the great blessing to speak life into and minister to over 200 people yearly!

Today, we'd like to invite you to take a step further in partnering with us in the Prophecy Ministry. Will you pray through these valuable opportunities, and see how the Lord leads you?

Partner through your time + energy...

  • Sign up for a Prophecy appointment, or invite a friend!

  • Volunteer to join a prophecy team as a regular member. For a lesser commitment, join as a substitute! Shoot us an email for more info.

Partner through your prayers...

  • Pray for the Holy Spirit to make immediate connections and for relationships to be built on His foundational truths in His Word.

  • Pray for those receiving prophecy to feel the love of Christ being poured over them.

  • Pray for Prophecy volunteers to be poured into as they pour out, to have a refilling of the Spirit each time they minister.

  • Pray that the Lord would use the prophetic to bless our community outside the walls of HOME.

Partner through your finances...
We offer freedom prayer sessions for free! Your donations help make this ministry in our community possible.

  • Give to the prophetic ministry and overarching HOME work here.

Alright, friend! Think about how God could use YOU to encourage and strengthen others through the prophetic, okay? We'd love to link arms with you in this ministry.


Friday Five!


Friday Five!