21 Day Challenge: Deep in the Word



Set apart 20 minutes each day. Spend 2-3 minutes beginning with the prayer below. Spend the remainder of your time reading one chapter from the book of John each day. Feel empowered to take as little or as much time as you feel led to in reading and following that time with prayer and processing with the Lord. 


Thank you, Lord, that your word is truth (John 17:17). Thank you that the unfolding of your words bring light and understanding to the simple (Psalm 119:130). Thank you that all your scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training me in righteousness, so that I can be truly equipped (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Thank you, Holy Spirit, that you reveal Jesus to me. I ask you to open the eyes of my heart and to reveal the heart of the Father to me as I read as well (John 14:26, 1 Cor. 2). 

I submit myself to be instructed by you, Holy Spirit, through your Word, and I ask you to use it to judge the thoughts and attitudes of my heart(Heb 4:12). Please lead me like Moses to “turn aside” and pause in any word or phrase you want me to meditate on to receive even more nourishment from you (Ex 3:3, Mat 4:4).  Help me also to grasp your daily application to my life as I apply your words. I don’t want to just hear them but to do them as well (James 1:22). 

Father, I also ask you for total protection today as I go to your word to receive from you (Psalm 91). Please protect me from any misinterpretations or false doctrine I have been exposed to in the past that taint or twist the truth in your perfect word (Prov 30:5). Instead, I invite you to use it as a double-edged sword to expose and demolish strongholds, arguments, and any pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of you (Heb 4:12, 2 Cor 10:4-5). Please silence every lie of the accuser and allow only your Spirit of Truth to interpret your word to me through your heart of love (Ps 31:18-20). 

Thank you, Father!  I am excited to go to your word today! Thank you that your word does not return to you void but will accomplish the purposes for which you sent it (Isa 55:11). Thank you that Your Word is seed (Luke 8:11) - please plant it within me.  I choose to soften my heart to be good soil. I will hide Your Word in my heart so I won’t sin against you (Psalm 119:11). Cleanse me, wash me and sanctify me with the water of your word today (Eph 5:26).  I am your child and I expect to receive (Mat 7:9-11).


Friday Five!


Friday Five