Friday Five!

  1. This Sunday at Ignite - Freedom with Pennie Mirande (and our kids' room will be open for preschool - 6th graders), and a Healing Service on 10/1. Join us at 5PM!

  2. This Wednesday, 9/27, we will be interceding for the fatherless + worshipping together. Come at 7PM ready to stand in the gap.

  3. Mark your calendars! First Wednesdays of the month at 6:30PM, beginning October 4th - The Burning Heart Workshop with Lyle Schut. We'll choose a portion of Scripture + dig into it together. Come open + expectant, ready to hear from the Lord. 

  4. A Day of Teaching with Rob Giesey titled, "Who Is This King of Glory?" on Saturday, October 14th, 9AM-3PM (lunch will be provided). Let's discover the heart of Jesus together, friends. Register here by Tuesday, the 10th, please!

  5. NWIA Tent Worship in the park will be happening Friday, October 20 at 6pm - Saturday, October 21 at 8pm. We will be hosting 26 hours of worship + prayer to Jesus in Central Park in Sioux Center. Our heart is to unify NWIA through worship and proclaim the name of Jesus in the center of town! Would you be interested in leading a 1 or 2 hour slot of spoken prayer and/or music? Sign up here.

Have a great weekend!


Friday Five!


Friday Five!