Friday Five!

  1. Josh MacDonald from IHOP-KC + Teen Awakening Camps will be sharing with us at Ignite THIS SUNDAY! Bring your friends, guys!

  2. Tikvah Tea is organizing a prayer walk through the schools on Monday. Meet at Kinsey at 5:45, spend 30 minutes at each school, and wrap up at SCCS.

  3. Save the date! Saturday + Sunday, October 14+15, Rob Giesey from IHOP-KC will be spending the weekend with us and sharing what the Lord has put on his heart. 

  4. NEXT WEEK at Ignite, August 27, we're praying for schools + education! Come ready to stand in the gap, friends.

  5. We are hiring a worship intern for this next semester! Know anyone who might be interested? More info here.

Happy weekend, everyone!


Friday Five!


Friday Five!