21 Day Challenge: FELLOWSHIP Prayer Model

Set aside 15 minutes of your day and use the F.E.L.L.O.W.S.H.I.P acronym to pray to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man… (Eph. 3:16) 

F - Fear of God:

  • Father, release the spirit of the fear of God into my heart (Ps. 86:11)

E - Endurance (perseverance, patience): 

  • Strengthen my spirit with endurance to do Your will (Col. 1:11)

  • Don’t let me quit pursuing the deep things of God. Don’t let me lose my spiritual fervor!

  • Help me to follow through on my commitments

  • Help me to fulfill my ministry callings when they’re difficult

L - Love:

  • Father, pour out Your love into my heart so it can overflow back to You and others (Phil. 1:9)

L - Light of glory:

  • Father, let me see the light of Your glory (Acts 22:6-11; Ex. 33:18; Ps. 4:6)

  • Let me encounter the “glory realm” in dreams, visions, etc.

  • Let me be a light to others, pointing straight to You.

O - One thing life focus:

  • Let me maintain a life in Your word with desire for it

  • Alert me when I need to recommit my priorities and schedule so that I can live as a person who regularly sits at Your feet (Ps. 27:4)

W - Count me worthy: 

  • Help me to walk in a worthy way in response to God in my life (2 Thes. 1:11)

  • Help me to escape all compromise

  • Let me see that the opposite of worthiness is to waste or receive Your grace in vain

S - Speech: 

  • Father, set a guard over my lips and free me from sinful speech (Eph. 4:29; Ps. 141:3)

  • May I only give edification and impart grace to the hearers of my words

H - Humility: 

  • Jesus, I want to learn from You how to walk in lowliness of heart(Mt. 11:29)

  • Let me consider others better than myself

I - Insight unto intimacy (wisdom): 

  • Let me know the secrets of Your heart. What are you thinking and feeling? (Col. 1:9)

  • Father, give me insight that I may walk under the Spirit’s leadership so that we may partner together in every issue in my life including my finances, schedule, emotions, circumstances, physical body (diet, health), relationships (in the home, work, ministry), my future, fears, addictions, etc. Give me new ideas in each area of my life.

  • Father, I long to walk in the fullness of Your will in every area of my life

  • Holy Spirit, I ask for insight into God’s end-time purposes, eternity, the New Jerusalem, the judgment seat of Christ, and hell.

P - Peace and Joy: 

  • Strengthen my heart with supernatural peace and joy that overpowers fear and anxiety (Phil. 4:7)


Friday Five!


Friday Five!