Friday Five!

  1. Join us this Sunday at 5pm for Ignite! We’ll be continuing our series on the Parables of Jesus!

  2. HOME Worship is releasing our first original worship album: Foundations, THIS WEEK on January 19th! You can listen on any streaming platform! 

  3. Join us after service on January 19th for food and fellowship as we celebrate the album release! 

  4. Looking for ways to get involved? We’re seeking volunteers to help in the following areas:

    1. Altar Team: We will be hosting a training on February 6 at 7pm. Be equipped in ministering to people after Ignite services! Email for more info! 

    2. Audio - Visual: Help out with slides, sound, and video during Ignite services! Connect with Lydia for more info. 

    3. Cleaning volunteers: We need people to help clean the facility! Email for more information.

  5. Have you been blessed by the ministry here at HOME? If so, we invite you to prayerfully consider partnering with us financially. Click here to give!

Have a great weekend!


Friday Five!


Friday Five